Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Culture Shock

Everyone knows you are not allowed to swear in primary school. At home we don't swear because our mum is against it and we are not used to it. This year I started High School. I thought that the difference between high school and primary school would be the changing classes and the older people. That was not the only difference. The week I started, the only thing I could hear were 'beep, beep, beep, chitchat, talktalk and swear, swear, swear'. (The beep, beep was a mobile phone.) I was shocked when I heard people swearing. Even in class there were people swearing including the teachers. I thought the teachers would stop them. I told my mum and she told me to ignore it. That is what I did. In my family no-one swears. I have never even said s-h-u-t u-p. I have to spell it on this. My friend just came from Taiwan and she doesn't know much english. She came last year. This year she has started talking English with swear words. Her mum is very annoyed. That is for culture shock, at least for me!
Any such experiences for any of you out there?


Anonymous said...

i swear never to swear
becos my teacher is Mr. Ware

i saw the bear
the world is unfair

my body shape is pear
i have my share

of wear and tear
but for my long hair

complex is the snare
since i had a nightmare

i need to now prepare
a stoneware

bye, let's ceate a world-free of swear words!Do you want an eclair

Anonymous said...

I accept, swear words should be banished from the English language. When I first moved to an English based country I was upset all my colleagues were using swear words. I then banned them from using swear words. F should only stand for friendship, faithful, funny and fun-tast-tick!!

PreethZzZ said...

Don't worry Sriyum... We just have to be more mature and ignore the swear words... Their parents probably didn't teach them well enough.

Such a mature and cute post!