On the 26 of December 2004 I had a big, scary and sad experience.I saw the Tsunami in real. I can remember it like it was just yesterday.One normal day (you wish) any way it wasn't THAT normal it was quiet shakey.
How come I did not get to feel it (because I was sleeping on the bed)? I was very dissapointed. My mum and brother felt it but didn't know what it was. My mum thought it was my brother-Vyaas shaking the bed. Hehehe.Only my dad knew because he was in the bathroom.How he came to know it was because the bucket filled with water started shaking. It was an earthquake!
Afterwards when we all woke up my dad was going to his uncle's house. It was near the beach, so he asked us all whether we wanted to go to the beach afterwards? My cousins and I all went to the beach. It started normally but then (here comes the CLIMAX). We went very close to the beach and there were so many people. We wondered what the fuss was and found out about the first Tsunami. I was bold enough to go and see it and the others said they do not want to go any closer to see what happened.
On the way I saw people crying on the side road (it was really sad).When we reached there my dad and I saw a cow being airlifted. I also saw some ladies saying that they could not find their husbands, in tamil. I saw a huge wave coming so my dad and I ran. When we reached back home my face was fully red. It was a really touching and scary experience.
Thank you for reading.