Friday, March 05, 2010

Cat Dog

On Friday, during English, Donna and Lisa were singing a song and not knowing the full lyrics just made it more annoying!
Well, the song was the cat dog theme song and this is how much they knew:One day, a wolf and a bird.. something something.. CATDOGGGGG! ♬ and apparently, that's not even the right lyrics.

Lisa: What if they're not even the right lyrics?
Me: You'd like that.

On Thursday during science, we had an argument, this argument has happened many times and even happened on Friday.
I think i'm improvising the words for the Friday argument but here goes the Thursday argument (I took this from Donna).

Sri: You're a bully.
Lisa: No, YOU'RE a bully.
Sri: No, you're the bully because I'm younger than you.
Lisa: That doesn't have.. any logical reasons.
Sri: Go away, I don't like you.
Sri: It's not FUNNY.
Lisa: Whoa, PMS much.
Sri: I said go away. I'm not talking to you.

Well, we have lots or arguments like this but, thats the beauty of friendship.

This argument continued onto Friday:

Me: You're still a bully
Lisa: No, you're STILL a bully.
Me: Stop bullying me, I'm younger than you oh and TALLER!
Lisa: That doesn't have any logical reasons.
Me: Go away
*I walk away and poke Donna*

It seems Donna finds it 'cute' how I put emphasis on 're' from retard because on the 1st day I met Donna, I said: you're a REtard. I just find it odd...

Maths is one of the funniest lessons because two 'rebels' who come late to class, get out of being punished because they make jokes

Rebel number 1:

*Johnny walks in to class 20mins late*
Teacher: Johnny!
Johnny: I'm sorry I'm sorry.
Teacher: Why are you so late?
Johnny: Oh, my brother got pulled over by a cop.
Everyone: *Laughing*
Teacher: You're brother got pulled over by a cop? Why?
Johnny: He was speeding
Everyone: *murmuring with slight giggles*
Teacher: Ok, take your seat.

Rebel Number 2:

*Anthony walks in 35mins late*
Teacher: Anthony!
Anthony: I'm really sorry.
Teacher: Why are you late? Again?
Anthony: I got pulled over by a cop.
Everyone: *Laughing*
Teacher: You? You got pulled over by a cop?! Why?
Anthony: I ran a redlight.
Everyone: *Talking with giggles*
Teacher: Sit down and don't be late to class again!

I feel there is some slight resemblance between the 2 cases..Leaves you thinking.

Well, I hope you enjoyed today's article. I'll be back for tommorow. Enjoy your weekend!!!

1 comment:

Jaggu said...

Yes enjoyed. And welcome to my blog.:)